Youth Educational Exhibits
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Youth Educational Exhibits

Youth Educational Exhibits and Competitions are comprised mostly of school organizations. Exhibitors must be members of these organizations to enter. Organizations competing currently at the Georgia National Fair include 4-H, CTI, FCCLA, FFA, HOSA, SkillsUSA, and TSA. Members/students compete with static exhibits as well as live competitions on site. All potential exhibitors are required to read the Youth Educational Exhibits General Rules in addition to the rules for the department in which they plan to enter. All entries in the Youth Educational Exhibits must be submitted online by the agent or club advisor. Please email any questions you may have about the Georgia Living Programs to

Our office hours are 8:30 AM– 4:30 PM Monday – Friday. Please email any questions you may have about the Georgia Living Programs to

To view 2024 competition results, CLICK HERE.

Printable Forms

Feel free to print the worksheets provided and have your students fill them out to reference when you register.
The Recipe Format Information is for all cooking contests to provide a uniform format for all recipes turned in for contests.

Online Entries

  • Prior to registering, teachers/advisors/agents must obtain a password by contacting
  • Your school’s contact information (address, phone number, advisor’s/agent’s email address) MUST be included in the email.
  • Deadline to obtain password is two days before entry deadline.
  • Note: It may take up to two business days to process password requests, so please do not wait until deadline day to make your request.
  • When you get to the online registration site, click the blue “Sign in” button at the top right of the page, then choose “Club” from the drop-down menu.
  • Choose your club name and enter your password to proceed.
  • ALL competitions must be entered with the school name (or county name for 4-H) and the type of organization (4-H, FFA, FCCLA, etc.) in the Team/Company Exhibitor field. Student names will be entered in the Student Name field when the advisor/agent makes the entry.
  • There will be no substitutions allowed. Placeholders may not be used for student names.
  • Entries registered incorrectly will be disqualified.
  • Be sure to read your department’s information in the “Competitions” section; print to use as a reference during registration.

Step-by-Step Picture Tutorial 'How To Register'

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